Conference Registration

  • The Conference encourages the author to have a presentation in offline or on line.
  • If you select having a presentation in the conference, the registration and publishing fee will be 50,000 JPY.
  • If you select having a presentation in online, the registration and publishing fee will be 55,000JPY.
  • If you select only publishing in the conference, the  publishing fee will be 60,000 JPY.

Payment by Paypal

If you want to pay by Paypal or Credit Card, please access the following link

Payment by Paypal or Credit Card,(you need to add 5% for commission)

Payment by Bank

If you want to pay by  Bank, please access the following link

Payment by Bank ,(if you use transfer in a foreign country,you need to add 5000JPY for commission, please send your registration fee +5000) 

If your mobile phone is not work for this payment, please try it in your computer. Also, some exporlor is sometime not work. If you have a problem, please contact